
September 30, 2024

Anubhav Singh in New Delhi with our CEO Meena Sonea and conservator Anupam Sah.

Anubhav Singh, an Aspire Leaders Program alumnus from 2023, attended the recent alumni events held in New Delhi, India. Despite not residing in New Delhi, he made the 8-hour train journey from his hometown Kanpur, to attend these events.

The two-day itinerary in New Delhi was rich with intellectual and cultural experiences. The first day featured a meeting with Aspire Institute co-founder Prof. Tarun Khanna at the India International Center. The second day involved a thought-provoking visit to the National Crafts Museum and Hastkala Academy, guided by Aspire Institute’s CEO Meena Sonea and renowned conservator Anupam Sah.

Reflecting on the alumni events in New Delhi, Anubhav shared, “Surrounded by fellow Aspire alumni from diverse fields [like] law, finance, data science, and even sports coaching I felt a deep sense of belonging. Despite our different backgrounds, there was an undeniable unity in our purpose. Prof. Khanna, with his characteristic warmth, reminded us that we are all integral characters in a larger narrative that aims to create meaningful change in the world.”

Participants at the discussion with Professor Tarun Khanna.

He went on to say, “My time at the Aspire alumni events in Delhi was a beautiful blend of learning, reflection, and connection. It reaffirmed my belief that leadership is not just about being at the forefront. Rather, it is about understanding the deeper significance of our roles, heritage, and contributions to [the] society. The lessons [that] I have learned through Aspire continue to guide me, shaping my approach to challenges and opportunities alike.”

Deeply moved by the warmth shown by the Aspire team and peers he met at these events, Anubhav penned a heartfelt poem that captures the feelings evoked by this experience.

Poem by Anubhav Singh

The blinking eyes of mine

Often shy through from the world,

I stand, feeling underprepared,

Thinking that I need –

Some time to stand affirm

A kind warmth graces me,

Guides me through the pathways

Teaching me the dynamics 

That were often ignored as ‘unimportant

Now I know the ‘significance’ of society

I know more of the world.

The ‘Aspirations’ of the world, and me

Can get well together in the long run.

I stand, more sure.

I show up on the stage 

I am a little new, afresh

Though know not much,

But I am willing, I am curious

I have begun to Aspire

Have begun to show up for the cause. 

To process, seek progress, and 

Embrace the journey ahead.


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